The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
16.7  The "eternal body" consists of all existing kinds of movement
The living being's basic structure is, in its principle, an eternal centre that sends out kinds of movement, which return to the same centre. Thus it is eternally enveloped in a flood of cycles of movement, to which it is itself the originator and thereby also the sender and the receiver. This structure around the living being's I is eternal since the end of every cyclic movement causes a new cyclic movement, and so on continuously. Since all such cyclic movements, and also the cyclic movement that we know as the physical terrestrial life, each at their end gives rise to a new cyclic movement, the structure of this movement around the I is thereby eternal, we have called it the "eternal body" of the I. We here find the I in a structure which can never at any time end or perish. This structure is the I's most supreme and eternal structure or body. The I constitutes the absolutely fixed point for this eternal structure of movement or body. Since all kinds of energies or movements emanate from this fixed point in all directions and return to it in cycles, then these kinds of movement together constitute a spherical form. This spherical form constitutes an eternal unshakable principle of balance in which the I's entire mass of energy and movement exists eternally. This I's spherical shaped eternal body consists of those kinds of energies and movements that constitute the I's entire life experience, its thoughts and feelings, its manifestations and creations, its organs and bodies, its fate. It is the pure kinds of energies and movements behind all these eternal phenomena that constitute the eternal body and determine its nature. Only through the created phenomena, however, can the eternal body be recognised by means of the senses. In its purest form it is inaccessible to the ordinary sensory perception. It can, however, be ascertained by means of high-psychical sensory perception, which means intuitively or cosmically.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 16
The Eternal Body