The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
7.6  All living beings are macrobeings just as they are microbeings in superjacent macrobeings' organisms
This world outside the Earth's organism is the solar system, which exists in a still greater system. This greater system we know as the galactic system. This also is found in a greater system and so on continuously upwards towards the infinitely great. Since solar and galactic systems reveal or release logical manifestations, they cannot avoid being organs of manifestation and experience for a living "Something" or I in the same way as our physical body is an organ for our I. How else could the mentioned systems produce logical manifestations? The mere fact that they produce movement unveils them as the originator of "expressions of life", because, in its basic analysis, movement is the most distinguished sign of life. The whole universe thus constitutes a system of living beings, the organisms of which find themselves within one another. Without this divine system all experience of life and manifestation would be a complete impossibility. How could our physical organisms be alive, be easier to control and guide and thus be a better tool for manifestation and experience in any other way than that which manifests itself by means of myriads of microbeings in mutual cooperation with our I? How would these microbeings get a living space, a universe to live in, if they did not live in a living organism? And how would we ourselves be able to have a living physical organism if we ourselves were not microbeings in a macro-organism with living conditions for our existence? The system in the living being's construction, by which it, at the same time, constitutes a microbeing and a macrobeing and the consequent principle of organisms within organisms, which in turn means living beings within living beings, and so universes within universes, thus constitutes life's absolute basic principle.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 7
The Principle of Life Units