The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
4.6  The absolutely only road to light
The proper mission of materialistic science is to create resources for human beings to control matter and harness Nature's enormous powers for useful purposes that are not based on war, on mutilation and destructive murderous weapons or infernal machines. It is the mission of materialistic science to create machines, instruments and tools that can help to relieve human beings from the coarse work or the so-called "curse of sin", that is, "in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread". It is also its task, by its knowledge and experience, to lift mankind out of material ignorance and primitiveness up to the highest knowledge of substance itself or the world of matter, which is its temporary cosmic dwelling or residence. When materialistic science is governed by the science of life or cosmic consciousness, it will be able to fulfil its cosmic purpose. Then its creation, knowledge and ability, like the creative acts of the Godhead (Nature's processes of creation), will ultimately be nothing but a joy and blessing for living beings. Materialistic science consequently cannot at present provide the solution to the mystery of life; nor can it constitute the road to light. Only cosmic consciousness, which is the same as that which the Bible expresses as the "holy spirit", can solve the mystery of life and show the meaning of life to mankind. Cosmic consciousness, however, can, as previously mentioned, be experienced only by virtue of the "faculty of intuition", which is dependent on the being's humane development or love for his fellow being. Therefore this development thus becomes the absolutely only way to light. Christ was right. One must love God above all things and one's neighbour as oneself. This is the fulfilment of the law, and the way to heaven.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 4
The Road towards Light