The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
16.6  The movements are the life experience and fate of the I
These kinds of movement are not only the kinds of movement that we generally call movement, but they are also those phenomena known to us as organs and bodies. Our whole physical body consists of a multiplicity of small and large organs. Each of these is in a cycle, just as the physical body also follows a cycle. But these kinds of movement are not movements in distance. They are not movements from place to place. They are movements in state or condition. Through a varied number of states they are movements from dust and back to the dust again. This holds true for absolutely all created realities, whether they appear in solid, liquid, gaseous or ray-formed materials. They are all subjected to a transformation process from one state to another, and so create movement. This movement appears as cycles. Since movement or cycles cannot exist without being released from a living originator we here see the most simple cosmic analysis of a living being is that it is a centre from which movements emanate and to which they return. This centre is the living being's I. The movements emanating from and returning to this centre are the life experience, the thoughts, the created bodies or organs, the actions, the manifestations or way of life, indeed the whole fate of this centre or this I.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 16
The Eternal Body