The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.6  The energy of memory causes the reliving of the past, and in its highest manifestation it makes this appear as bliss
This whole cosmic knowledge, this high state of consciousness in which man will come to live would be very imperfect or ineffectual if the sixth basic energy did not exist. We know this basic energy under the concept of "memory". What this basic energy means is best seen when we consider a case of loss of memory, such as takes place at times in man. To a greater or smaller degree this results in a failure to realise who he is, where he belongs, where he comes from, and where he is going, who his family and friends are, and so on. Without the energy of memory all experience of the past would be completely lost. The being would have to live in the present all the time. All experiences would be completely forgotten as soon as they had passed the "now". For this reason all progress and development would be absolutely impossible. No being would be able to learn anything. And without being able to learn, all creation of consciousness, acquisition of knowledge and talents, would be likewise impossible. The organ for the basic energy of memory or recollection thus promotes the faculty to relive one's own past. This past thus constitutes man's plane of memory, which, as we will see later, in its highest manifestation is experienced as culminating joy. This is why we call it the "plane of bliss" or the "kingdom of bliss".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan