The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.6  How could Nature's processes of creation come into existence by themselves?
That Nature is a living being's expressions of life becomes a fact for the developed investigator or the finished human being, who can see that the whole of this enormous ocean of creation does not leave any creation whatsoever in a finished condition until it is for the joy and blessing of living beings. Is this way of being not on a higher level than that of the terrestrial human being? A creation that takes place in such a logical and perfect way that the terrestrial human beings' faculty to create cannot be compared to it cannot be a mere coincidence. It can only be the day-conscious expression of life and revelation of love of a perfect being or a Godhead. How would such a revelation of love come into being by itself? How would such a hundred per cent logical creation take place by itself, when human beings cannot even create as perfectly, even though they are day-conscious living beings? Is it more fantastic that we are microbeings in a macrobeing than that our own material organism is the living place for myriads of living beings? Is this not just the requirement for its existence? How could our organs function if they were not built up of living microbeings? Why should what applies to the great not apply to the small? For he who has ears to hear, and eyes to see, there is here much to hear and see. And the sooner this divine cosmic analysis is heard and seen as reality, the better.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God