The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
7.5  The Earth constitutes our macrobeing
Nature's life-promoting processes of creation are thus the inner functions of the organism of a creator or living being. We live inside an organism, and see or experience this as our outer world. We know this outer world as Earth and sky, as continents and seas, as air and water, as storm and stillness, as cold and heat, in short, as the combined forces of Nature. This organism thus constitutes the Earth. Human beings, animals, plants and other forms of life within this world constitute its microbeings, in the same way as our organs, cells, molecules and so on, constitute microbeings within our organism. The Earth thus constitutes a macrocosmic being for us just as we in the same way constitute a macrocosmic being for the microbeings of our organism. But just as we cannot sense and experience physical existence except through such a macrocosmic organism, in the same way our macrobeing, the Earth, naturally cannot sense or experience without being a microbeing in an organism appearing to the Earth as a macrocosmic organism. How would it have the possibility of existence and life if an outer world did not exist around it? Manifestation of life cannot take place in just "nothing".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 7
The Principle of Life Units