The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
6.5  Why human beings at times do not perceive the living being as immortal
The living being is thus, in its core analysis, an eternal immortal or imperishable "Something that is". When the materialistic human being does not perceive the living being in this way, it is due to the fact that he does not see this living being at all, as it is totally inaccessible to direct physical sensory perception. The part of the living being that can be sensed directly is only that which is created or produced. And there is absolutely nothing of that which is created that can be everlasting. It is invariably heading towards its end. That which is created is the I's physical body and some of those mental or spiritual structures that connect the being's physical body to the eternal, imperishable or cosmic part of the same being.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 6
The Living Being 1