The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
5.5  The absolutely only thing needful for the unfinished terrestrial human being
Materialistic science, however, can, in spite of this, give human beings exceeding great good things, just as it can inflict immense suffering on them. Whether the great material knowledge is to be a joy and blessing or war and suffering for human beings depends on how high a moral consciousness or humane talent they possess. But when the question whether the materialistic knowledge is to be a joy and blessing and not a sabotage or destruction of life is dependent on how high a moral consciousness or humane talent the human beings possess, then it is this humane power that becomes the highest and absolutely only thing needful for them if they want to abolish war and the crowning of peace as foundation for the state of their fate. And we will here, in the explanation of Symbol no. 5, show how the unfinished human being's cosmic unconsciousness appears in relation to reality, quite irrespective of how high a materialistic knowledge the concerned human being possesses.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 5
Cosmic Unconsciousness