The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
4.5  What is demanded in order to solve the mystery of life
In order to be able to solve the mystery of life the terrestrial human being must have come so far in evolution or God's creation of him that his faculty of humaneness or love for his fellow beings has gained such capacity that he can no longer have the heart to do "evil". He would rather suffer than let others suffer. He will no longer display anger or bitterness towards anyone. And with the development of this faculty of humaneness, another faculty also begins to develop in his consciousness, namely the faculty of "intuition". It is through a combination of this faculty and the faculty of humaneness, together with the faculty of intelligence, that cosmic sensory perception is possible. The road towards light, which means the road towards enlightenment about the meaning of life or the solution to the mystery of life, is thus not found in materialistic science; nor is it the mission of this science to prove this solution.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 4
The Road towards Light