The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
16.5  The structure and law of fate
In regard to the movement's return to its originator the living being functions as a centre from which energies, and therefore movements, emanate, and to which they return. Since this function eternally takes place in the living being, it here appears in its innermost cosmic analysis as an accumulation of movements. Since every movement in this accumulation forms cycles, in that it emanates from the I and returns to it, and since these movements in turn emanate in all possible directions, then they together form a spherical field around the I. This spherical form does not exist as something that is accessible to any direct sensory perception, neither clairvoyantly nor physically. Only from a cosmic or high-psychical point of view can it be ascertained. This perception is far above all forms of sensory perception by normal physical and psychical senses. We can therefore only symbolise this cosmic structure of movement, its outgoing and returning movements from and to its originator. These kinds of movements together constitute the being's experience of life, which in turn is the same as the being's fate. Since these movements can move only in cycles, whether they be physical or spiritual, we can symbolise them as moving in arcs emanating from the originator and returning to it again. Every single thought that is released amid these surroundings constitutes an action, and so is a movement that cannot go in a straight line, but can go only in a cycle back to its source. This is in all its detail the structure and law of fate. While X1 and X2 are not created phenomena but, on the other hand, are eternal and therefore can be expressed only as "Something which is", then all kinds of movement are the same as X3, which in turn is the same as created phenomena.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 16
The Eternal Body