The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.5  The energy of intuition gives rise to cosmic consciousness and thus to the solution to the mystery of life
Through the fifth basic energy, the "energy of intuition", the eternal facts, that is, non-temporal and non-spatial phenomena such as the solution to the mystery of life, the Godhead, the living beings' I and immortality, love as the keynote of the universe and so on are experienced. In the terrestrial man's psyche, or its combination of the basic energies, this basic energy begins to develop its strength when the results of his sufferings begin to become fundamental. The result of the sufferings is the development of the faculty of humaneness or neighbourly love. With the development of this faculty the energy of intuition begins to take effect. It is the feeble beginning of this faculty we find in humane and advanced writers, artists, poets and prophets. In these human beings the intuition has so far merely given itself expression in greater or smaller cosmic glimpses. In these glimpses they have got their correspondingly more or less ingenious thoughts or knowledge. In Christ we find, on the other hand, a perfectly developed faculty of intuition, which gave him permanent cosmic consciousness and which, to a very high degree, was indicated by his attitude towards his enemies, and his prayer on the cross for his tormentors. His utterance about them not knowing what they did was a pure demonstration of cosmic science. To him this science was not only words and speech. It was his whole way of being. The continuation and perfection of this cosmic science was what he meant when he announced that the Father or the Godhead would send the "comforter, the holy spirit" to mankind. This divine spirit or science is intended to lead man further in the mental footsteps of Christ. In this spirit of God all terrestrial generations will be blessed.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan