The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
6.4  The living being constitutes a triune indivisible principle
These above-mentioned three principles – the I, the faculty to create and the result of this faculty to create, that is, the organism and the consequential eternal experience of life – constitute precisely those three conditions that must be met in order that a "Something" can appear as a living being. Without the I neither the faculty to create nor the experience of life would exist. And without the experience of life and the faculty to create the I could not possibly exist as a living being. It would certainly exist, but it would not be able to think, experience, manifest or create. An eternal "Nothing" would brood where the universe today radiates and glitters as the greatest of all existing structures of manifestation or bodies of expression for a very highest "I", a most supreme living being in whose organism we all live, and move, and have our being. The core analysis of the living being is thus that it is an indivisible combination of life's three greatest principles fused into one single gigantic principle, namely, the "living being", the source of all principles. Since these three principles are nameless, we have called the I or the "Self" in the living being "X1", the faculty to create "X2" and the eternal experience of life or "creation" "X3".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 6
The Living Being 1