The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
5.4  The human being's religiousness in the form of materialism
But life does not stand still, and human beings do not remain on the same stage in evolution, but continue forwards and upwards. Evolution does not stop until God's creation of man is complete. Today we see millions and millions of human beings, especially in the western world, being governed by another faculty of consciousness, which has turned the beings' religious instinct more or less away from the guidance of the world redeemers. This faculty is the intelligence. It gradually brings about in the human being the desire to know for itself, to investigate for itself, to find the truth by itself. It leads the human beings away from their child stage in the religious or cosmic realm. To the extent that their faculty of intelligence grows, their faculty "to believe blindly" in the assertions of others degenerates. And they therefore do not believe in traditional religious dogmas or ideas – they accept only what can be certified or proved logically to be facts. Since these human beings can thus accept only ideas or assertions that they themselves can investigate and experience as facts, then they can thus in reality accept only absolute science. But as they do not have the cosmic faculties by virtue of which cosmic truths or realities are experienced, then they can only explore matter. And as they do not believe in the pronouncements of others, then they do not either believe in the cosmic truths or phenomena that they cannot themselves observe or ascertain by means of the physical senses. They can therefore be only materialists. They believe that everything is physical, and that no spiritual or cosmic conscious mental life exists. They believe very much in death as a total end of life and consciousness. They do not believe in any godhead whatsoever and reckon that religiosity is a derailment. They do not know that their own very materialistic attunement is also a result of the religious principle, and that their anti-religious ideas in reality constitute the derailment that they themselves estimate the common religious ideas to be.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 5
Cosmic Unconsciousness