The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.4  The energy of intelligence underlies the ability to increase knowledge and capability
But life is not only power. We now come to the fourth basic energy: the "energy of intelligence". With this energy the living being is able to make himself intellectually conscious in his experiences. With intelligence he can explore or observe the nature of his experiences and thereby acquire knowledge of them. This knowledge enables him to think logically. By virtue of this knowledge he will be able to create logically. The faculty of logical cognition and the consequent faculty to create logically is thus promoted by the energy of intelligence. With a consciousness or psyche in which the energies of instinct, gravity, feeling, and intelligence are functioning, the living being, which in this case means terrestrial man, can acquire exceedingly great knowledge of matter, that is, knowledge of "created" things, knowledge of physical matter. We know this knowledge under the concept of "materialistic science". This science cannot give man any knowledge whatsoever about the aspect of life that is not "created" and is therefore neither temporal nor spatial. This in turn means that, with these kinds of senses, man cannot possibly experience his own identity as an eternal being and as a cooperative source of creation. With senses consisting of the combination of the basic energies that promote the animal kingdom, the living being could never in all eternity acquire any kind of knowledge of his true identity and his associated eternal cosmic organs through which he constructs and directs his created organs and bodies. Since the energy of intelligence is at present at only an elementary stage and the energy of intuition is latent, while the energy of memory is almost latent, then the most advanced terrestrial man with this combination of basic energies as the foundation of his consciousness or psyche has no qualification whatsoever to be able to acquire a realistic science other than the purely material or physical, which is the science of "created" or "temporal and spatial" things only. At this mental stage of development the eternal facts will be an insoluble mystery.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan