The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.4  The principle that allows the nameless "Something" to appear as the "one" and the "many"
As already mentioned "X1", or the "Something" that constitutes the I in the structure of the universe and the I's in the living beings, exists in itself as an indivisible unit. In order to facilitate the understanding of this unit or triune principle or the understanding of "X2", by virtue of which this unit exists as the "many", we have to help ourselves by symbolising this principle, since it has no dimensions in time and space, and consequently, like the other non-temporal and non-spatial principles, is not directly accessible to sensory perception. If we picture "X1" as light, and this light is placed inside a ball on the surface of which there are small transparent holes on all sides, we can see how this light will throw a ray through every hole. Such a ray thus symbolises an I in the living being. Just as it is the same light that shines through each hole, so too is it the same divine "Something" that manifests itself through every living being as its "I". It is this principle that is symbolised in symbols nos. 8 and 9 as "X1" and "X2". Here we see "X1" symbolised by a white disc, and "X2" by a violet disc with a big hole in the middle and many small holes at the edge of the disc. If we now place the violet disc on top of the white disc, then this white disc will be visible through these holes. It will naturally manifest itself through these holes according to their size. Here the white disc showing through the large opening symbolises the I of the universe or the Godhead, while its appearances through the small openings in the disc symbolise the "I's" in the infinity of living beings in the universe. We know that the white disc also exists under the violet disc, and that we see it split up solely because of the special structure of the violet disc. The violet disc thus symbolises the eternal principle that allows the nameless "Something" to be visible as the "one" great being and the "many" small beings within the great being, the principle of which we have already become familiar with under the name: the "principle of life units".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God