The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.37  When we consider this symbol as an expression for the Godhead then the white star and the rays emanating from it indicate the Godhead or the Father, while the white areas and the emanating rays express the sons of God, that is, the living beings. The coloured fields thus constitute the reactions of the meeting between the Father's radiation and the sons' radiations. These reactions constitute the whole created world. Not one single creation is found that is not the result of the reactions between the Father's and the son's radiation. The coloured fields show from which basic energy the reactions are a result. The result is thus a plane of existence for each basic energy. We see in the symbol that the coloured area symbolises a cosmic cycle. In the symbol we see only one cycle for the passage of the basic energies, but this cycle is just a single local cycle in an unending chain of cycles. In other symbols we will describe these cycles in more detail. Both the microbeings and the macrobeings find themselves in their respective cycles. Thus we see how the Earth is indicated at a particular place in the cycle. From the colour we see that it is passing the culmination of the zone of the energy of gravity at present. The zone of the energy of gravity is the war zone or the animal kingdom. The star figure further ahead indicates merely the beginning of the totally perfect human kingdom. In about three thousand years mankind will, in its cosmic cycle or development, have passed the star and have arrived at the totally perfect human kingdom, where the psyche or consciousness of everyone is liberated from the last remains of their present hereditary animal tendencies of the consciousness. But life goes on. The symbol shows us still higher and more perfect worlds where everyone is liberated from primitiveness, ignorance, hatred, war and persecution, illness and suffering. The contact between the radiation of the Father and the radiation of the son is here absolutely culminating wisdom and love. The son in the complete image of the Godhead can therefore reveal absolutely only beauty, bliss and joy.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God