The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.36  Symbol no. 11 symbolises, as we have now seen, the whole universe as a living being. This living being constitutes a macrobeing that differs from all other existing living beings by not at the same time being a microbeing in a still greater macrobeing, as is the case with all other existing living beings. These living beings therefore can exist solely as microbeings in this gigantic macrobeing, which constitutes the whole of the universe. We have now come into a situation where we are no longer mistaken about who is the Godhead, who is all living beings' absolutely only and true originator, just as we cannot be mistaken about who the sons of God are. We here see the great solution to the mystery of life in a very simple analysis. By virtue of this we can see that no other beings exist than these two forms of life: the "Father" and the "son". Therefore none of these sons can constitute the Father and cannot either be the Godhead, and because of this they cannot constitute the real or absolute object for worship; in such a situation they can be only an "idol". Since all existing living beings in their structure constitute a macrobeing for microbeings and constitute united local beings in the inseparable whole that constitutes the Godhead, we realise that all these macrobeings are the Godhead's collected "father-consciousness". Through this father-consciousness the Father emanates His gigantic omnipotence, directed by all-wisdom and all-love, in the way that not one single manifestation, great or small, in any case whatever can ultimately be anything but a joy and blessing for of the microbeings for whom He is the highest macrobeing and thus the rightful object on which to centre our worship. Since all living beings in the universe are microbeings in Him, they cannot avoid already living in or gradually coming to experience the love, joy and blessing that His ultimate results always invariably promote. That all existing living beings, besides being macrobeings for the microbeings of their organisms, are also incorporated as organic centres in the Godhead's father-consciousness, does not mean that they are perfect organic centres in the father-consciousness. We see that the unfinished human beings to a great extent sabotage even their own microbeings in their organism by consuming poisonous material or substances harmful to the system, such as tobacco, alcohol and all other powders, pills and liquids destructive to life to which human beings are to a great extent addicted. That they hereby create hell for the microbeings in their organism and thereby themselves come to experience illnesses and sufferings they will have great difficulty in understanding. But it is just this lack of understanding that shows that they are not in "God's image". This in turn means that they have not become a macrobeing who, like the Godhead, can manifest only love towards its microbeings. That is why the Godhead or the Father must transform the human beings to be in His image, after His likeness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God