The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.35  Our macrobeing is in the first instance the Earth, which in turn is an organ in the organism of the solar system, which is in turn an organ in the organism of the Milky Way, and so on infinitely. This infinite series of macro-organisms thus constitutes in turn a whole in which each single macrobeing constitutes only a locality. This whole constitutes in turn a macrobeing in which all other living beings are microbeings, without itself being a microbeing in any other being. And thus in this universal macrobeing we have the absolutely only real, true Godhead, in whom we live, and move and have our being. It is to this macrobeing, consisting of the whole, and not to our local macrobeing that we must direct our consciousness in prayer and way of life. Otherwise we would worship the son of God instead of the Godhead. This is a derailment, even though this worship can be a temporary expedient for beings who still find themselves at religiosity's primitive and unintellectual stages.
      As Symbol no. 11 symbolises the living being in its appearance as a triune principle where the star in the centre indicates the I, the small white areas at the edge of the symbol indicate its micro I's, while the coloured areas between the star-field and the micro I's express creation, that is the consciousness and the organism, then it can also be called a symbol of the Godhead, that is this infinite and eternal ocean of macrobeings within macrobeings existing above us, and in which ocean of macrobeings we exist as microbeings.
      If we now look upon the symbol as an expression of the Godhead, then the white star in the centre symbolises the I of the Godhead. The radiant area and the small round white areas in the violet edge of the symbol symbolise respectively the Godhead's faculty to create and the micro I's through which latter the Godhead produces His faculty to create. The six coloured areas between the Godhead's I and the micro I's thus constitute the consciousness and organism of the Godhead. We see from the colours that the material of this consciousness constitutes the six basic energies, and that there is one area of consciousness for each energy. But these areas of consciousness and organs of the Godhead would be an absolute impossibility if the principle of life units or the principle of the macrobeing and the microbeing, which means the "one" and the "many", did not exist.
      In this symbol we see that a ray is emanating from each micro I and rays are emanating from the macro I, which here in this case must be perceived as the I of the Godhead. We see that these kinds of rays are released in a direction towards each other. Where these two forms of release of energy meet, creation arises and so the experience of life and manifestation. This is shown in the symbol by the coloured area in which the ray of each micro I meets the rays of the macro I, which really means: the son of God's ray meets the Godhead's rays respectively. The son of God here meets the Godhead's rays, which are identical with all that comes under the idea of matter or all existing forms of substance, all the creative processes of Nature, all fellow beings' manifestations, the appearance of all forms of life, all that the son of God at all can sense of creative processes or manifestations of life around himself. The ray of the son of God on the symbol represents his whole manifestation or creation, his whole way of being and mental activity. Where the ray of the son of God meets the rays of the Godhead, reaction takes place. This reaction is the son of God's experience of life.
      This experience of life is produced and formed by virtue of the six basic energies. In the symbol we therefore see a field of reaction or experience of life for each basic energy. Such a field is marked in the symbol with the colour of the basic energy that is culminating and therefore leading in the field. Through the mutual reactions between the rays emanated by the Godhead and by the son of God, the way the son of God experiences life progresses from one plane of existence to another plane of existence. It is this progression from plane to plane that human beings have already come to know under the concept of "evolution". Later, in other special symbols, we will show how the reaction of rays between the Godhead's and the son of God's release of energy promotes the son not only one single time through the planes of the basic energies, but that this promotion is eternal. Every time the son has passed through all the six stages of the basic energies which, as the symbol shows, constitute a cycle, then the son's passage continues through a new cosmic spiral cycle, and so on all eternity. Here we must remember that the I of the son of God as well as the I of the Godhead are eternal realities, which therefore also have an eternal consciousness and an eternal faculty to manifest and experience. We have already seen that "X2" and "X3" of the I, which means the faculty to create and the consciousness, are just as eternal as "X1". Thanks to the living being's identity as a triune principle, it is identical with eternity and thus identical with immortality.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God