The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
Explanation of symbol no. 11
11.34  This symbol symbolises the three principles of "X1", "X2", and "X3" in their appearance as a "triune principle", which means a "living being".
      In Symbol no. 8 we have symbolised "X1" with a white disc. This disc symbolises the "Something" that, by virtue of "X2", constitutes the directing source or macro I in every living being's organism, and constitutes also the I's of the microbeings existing in the same organisms. In order that this "Something" can appear as the "one" and the "many", a condition without which every living being's existence would be a complete impossibility, there thus exists the principle of "X2". In Symbol no. 9 we have already touched upon this principle, where it was symbolised by a violet disc in which there was a large opening in the middle and many smaller openings in the outer edge of the symbol. If we now put the violet disc on top of the white disc, the latter will become visible through the large opening in the middle and the small openings at the edge of the symbol. The white disc seen through the large opening symbolises the macro I of the living being, while the same disc seen through the small openings symbolises the I's in the microbeings' organisms.
      In Symbol no. 11 we thus see this "Something" or macro I symbolised by the white area in the middle, while the micro I's in the organism are symbolised by the small white areas at the edge of the symbol.
      Further we see that the nameless "Something" or "X1" in Symbol no. 11 is symbolised by a six-pointed star. This is to indicate that the living being's manifestation and experience takes place by virtue of six different conditions of consciousness or life, that is one for each basic energy.
      Around the white star, half veiled by the rays, we see the star-shaped figures symbolising the general effects of the eternal organs of the superconsciousness of the I, such as the highest fire, the fate element, the basic talent kernels, the fate talent kernels maintained by the mother energy and the primordial desire, which is indicated by the violet colour at the edge of the symbol around the micro I's. This represents the whole organic field of the superconsciousness, which we have called "X2".
      The coloured areas between the macro I and the micro I's symbolise "X3" or the result of the I's functions of superconsciousness and subconsciousness or the total faculty to create and ability to experience. This represents the consciousness and the organism.
      The consciousness and the organism are built up of the six kinds of material or substance that constitute the constellations of the six basic energies. By virtue of the functions of the superconsciousness and the subconsciousness the I creates from this material its manifestation and experience of life. Since the functions of the I's superconsciousness and subconsciousness manifest themselves in a partly eternal and partly temporal organ for each basic energy, then, by means of these organs, it gets the ability to create and experience life in six correspondingly different kinds of experience of life, i.e. one for each combination of basic energy. The results of these six organic functions are shown symbolically as follows: the instinct function is indicated by the red colour, the function of gravity by the orange colour, the function of feeling by the yellow colour, the function of intelligence by the green colour, the function of intuition by the blue colour, and the function of memory by the light indigo colour. These coloured zones in the symbol symbolise the fields of consciousness of the macro "I".
      Through the above-mentioned fields of consciousness the macro I experiences life as awake day-consciousness and unconscious night-consciousness. But the function of life could not possibly take place if the concerned being were not a microbeing a macro-organism. How could it use its six great faculties of consciousness if it did not find itself in a macro-organism that could provide it with the material of the basic energies for its creation and experience, material that corresponds to the faculty of each basic energy? What would be the good of having splendid creative faculties and abilities to experience if there were nothing in which to create and consequently nothing to experience either? Therefore each living being must be a microbeing in a macrobeing's organism and regions of consciousness. This organism and these regions of consciousness are thus not only organs of manifestation and experience for the macro I; they are also universes or living space for microbeings. Therefore the above-mentioned six different fields of creation and experience of the macro I each become a plane of existence for microbeings.
      The coloured areas in the symbol thus symbolise not only the spheres of the macrobeing's functions of consciousness, but they also symbolise these as spheres of life or planes of existence for microbeings. In this way the "plant kingdom" is our macrobeing's "display of instinct". The "animal kingdom" is its "display of the energy of gravity". The "true human kingdom" is its humanised "display of feeling". The "kingdom of wisdom" is its "display of intelligence". The "divine world" is its "display of intuition", while the "kingdom of bliss" is its "display of memory". These regions of consciousness of our macrobeing, which constitute our planes of existence or spheres of life, are, as already mentioned, indicated by the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and light indigo colour respectively.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God