The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.33  A summary of the cosmic analyses of the universe
We have now received a summary of the main analysis of the universe. We have seen the universe as an all-embracing living organism by virtue of which a both brilliant and perfect logical creative process takes place. We have seen that the outer world in which we live is just as living as the inner world that constitutes our organism. We have seen that we live in a macrobeing as a microbeing at the same time as we ourselves exist as a macrobeing for the microbeings living in our organism. We have seen that the macrobeings' organisms are the same as living space or universes for microbeings, just as the microbeings' organisms are living space or universes for the microbeings that reside in their organisms. This emphasises that none of these macrobeings can be the Godhead Himself, as their existence is determined by the fact that they are microbeings in a greater organism. Each of these beings can therefore never at any time constitute anything but a locality, a living organic centre in their macrobeing, and likewise in the totality which all existing living beings constitute together. That this totality is eternal and infinite and therefore is beyond any material size that can be created by the senses only, does not prevent it from fulfilling just the three conditions that are demanded in order that a "Something" can appear as a living being. This living being, which thus constitutes the whole, can manifest or express itself only through creation. All manifestations are thus creation. Created things can only exist as identical with size. Size is in turn the same as limitation. Therefore no "created" reality is able to express the Godhead. The analysis of the Godhead can be only that He is the universe in its entirety. But the universe in its entirety is, as we have just seen, not temporal and spatial. We can therefore call it only "Something that is". But as this "Something", as we have seen, is a living being, it deviates from all other living beings by being the whole and by being living space or a universe for absolutely all existing living beings, and, therefore, also for the macrobeings who form our living space or universe, that is, the Earth, our solar system and our Milky Way or galactic system. And as these gigantic organisms also find themselves as micro-organisms in still greater macro-organisms and so on ad infinitum, but still as microbeings in the totality, which is God's organism, then we here see the Godhead as a being equal to whom no being is found, neither above Him nor beside Him. Since this being is thus all-outshining and constitutes the absolutely only macrobeing who does not find Himself as a microbeing in a greater organism, then we here see this almighty Godhead's total sovereignty and appearance as all existing living beings' eternal source and Father. And, as we have seen that all existing living beings are His eternally living centres or organs, are His organs of experience and creation, and so His flesh and blood and the spirit of this Father, then they are here revealed to us as "sons of God". It has thus through the principle of life units become a reality for us that the universe is this all-embracing divine Father's consciousness, organism and way of being in permanent interaction with the consciousness, organism and way of being of the eternal sons of God. It is through this interaction between the life of the Father and the son, or between the Godhead's and the living beings' life that God creates the "human being in His image, after His likeness". It is lack of contact and harmony with this divine cooperation that creates the so-called "evil" or "devil-consciousness" in the fate of the "son", makes him the "prodigal son", but which in turn by virtue of the eternal laws' perfection is the cause of his behaviour being led back to the contact with the light in the eternal Father's behaviour, which as we have already seen is culminating love.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God