The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.31  The Godhead's secondary consciousness and the Godhead's primary consciousness
The part of the Godhead's consciousness that reveals manifestations of light constitutes His "primary consciousness". It constitutes in actual fact four spheres of life or planes of existence, while the part revealing the dark manifestations constitutes only two spheres of life or two planes of existence. These latter two planes of existence constitute the Godhead's "secondary consciousness". This part is a process of renewal and maintenance, which is essential to the eternal existence of the experience of life and the faculty to create. It is produced by the living beings that are creating and developing their consciousness to such a state of perfection that they can become tools of the Godhead for the unfoldment of His primary consciousness. But as long as these beings are not finished, and are not developed enough to be able to manifest such a totally perfect loving way of being, the Godhead cannot of course manifest or reveal His most divine all-outshining consciousness and way of being through them. The said beings' sphere of life cannot be an expression for manifestations filled with more light than they are developed to manifest. That is why terrestrial mankind's sphere of life still to a considerable extent is a sphere of strife or war and suffering. One understands that these unfinished human beings must be in a sphere by themselves and cannot be in a sphere for finished human beings. They would in such a world create too many mental short circuits and so for its legitimate inhabitants turn it into a world of suffering and war. Terrestrial mankind must therefore come to understand that its sphere of life constitutes only the Godhead's secondary consciousness. It constitutes a region for the creation and improvement of the living being so that it becomes the perfect human being "in God's image, after His likeness". The "primary consciousness" of the Godhead, on the contrary, is revealed through the spheres that are populated solely by beings that have become totally perfect, have become "one with God" and so appear to be made in "God's image, after His likeness". It is in these spheres of light that the Godhead's "primary consciousness" is being unfolded and by which He rules and directs everything in the universe. It is to these spheres of light that the human beings' prayers are directed, and it is in them they are perceived by the beings of these sublime spheres, who then make due response to the prayers and provide help to the suppliant, all according to the state of his fate or what is necessary for his transformation into "God's image". It is thus through the beings of these spheres that the Godhead, as we shall later see, unfolds all the radiating light of His primary consciousness in the form of all-wisdom, all-love and all-power.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God