The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
7.3  The unfinished human being's defective faculty to recognise life
What terrestrial human beings know best in this outer world is naturally those organisms that they perceive as "human beings", "animals" and "plants". But after the recognition of these forms of life the unfinished human being's faculty to acknowledge life begins to be very uncertain. It is not specially attuned to the mineral substances being alive, though it has already long since discovered that they express movement, change or creation. Is not crystallisation a wonderful creation? Is it not the same with the formation of frost patterns? Do they not display countless beautiful designs of plants? What about the Earth, which constitutes the physical living space of terrestrial human beings? Perceiving the Earth as the organism of a living being is almost inconceivable to many human beings. And the same is the case with the other heavenly bodies: the solar and galactic systems. Human beings are not accustomed to perceiving these phenomena as organs or bodies of manifestation and experience for the same invisible "Something" that constitutes the I in the living beings.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 7
The Principle of Life Units