The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
6.3  The changing result of the faculty to create of the I is also eternal and its analysis will therefore be that it is "Something that is"
The result of this faculty to create is the I's bodies, organs or structures, which are created in matter. Of these organs of extension of this eternal faculty to create, it is in the main only the living beings' physical bodies that are known to the unfinished human being. Though this physical body and the other created organs have dimensions in time and space, which means that they are perishable and must be replaced, they still eternally maintain an everlasting principle: namely, the living being's experience of life. Since this result of the faculty to create is just as eternal as the faculty to create itself and the I, then this faculty also can only be expressed as "Something that is".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 6
The Living Being 1