The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
5.3  Why the religious ideals were not given as science
As the beings had only very elementary intellectual talents, they could not possibly have been helped by a hundred per cent cosmic science. The world redeemers therefore had to adapt this science, not a really controllable and exact cosmic science, but, on the other hand, ideas that, even though they were perceived by the adherents as literal, were only symbols or parables of fragments of the real truth. That these symbols and ideas had to be changed constantly by new world redeemers in favour of new ideas and views, as the adherents grew in experience, knowledge and humaneness is naturally a matter of course. And in this way mankind arrived at life's highest guiding ideas in religion, culminating in the immortal ideals of Christ, which are rooted in the unshakable command of the law of life: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God above all things and thy neighbour as thyself". A higher moral command cannot possibly be given, because a way of being cannot be more divine. It is just this behaviour that is "God's image" in whose "likeness" the human being is created. These high ideals are, however, also adapted only for human beings who are still governed by the religious instinct, human beings who can still believe blindly without any desire or hunger for any intellectual explanation or really logical argument, that is, when the concerned ideals are given by authorities. This is the attitude of the child principle to the parent principle or the unfinished human being's attunement to the principle of world redemption.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 5
Cosmic Unconsciousness