The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
4.3  The religious principle
At a given stage in the being's evolution the religious principle is born in his mental structure. This again is nourished by the principle of world redemption and the teaching of the world redeemers. And it will bring the being forward to total perfection, by virtue of which he attains "cosmic consciousness" and thereby becomes conscious of God, becomes one with Him, and experiences his own immortality. It is this process, when completed, that we have given the name, the "great birth". The religious principle does not only show itself in a common religious way of being. It is also this principle that lies behind materialism, behind all politics and all other kinds of prominent forms of consciousness. It, however, leads the living being unshakeably and surely forward to the mentioned "great birth" and the consequent cosmic consciousness, which enables him to have experiences beyond time and space, whereby his power of perception stands far above the common unfinished terrestrial human being's power of perception and experience. It is by virtue of this higher form of sensory perception that the present symbols and analyses have been created, as was the main work to which they form a supplement.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 4
The Road towards Light