The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
3.3  The road out of darkness and forward to light
One now understands why Christ ordered human beings to love God above all things and their fellow beings as themselves. And also why they should forgive and again forgive their fellow being, just as he did himself on the cross. He knew that his tormentors did not know that they sabotaged their own happiness in life or contact with the keynote of the universe, and thus with life and well-being, by crucifying him. He therefore prayed for them: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". Only in a way of living where this attitude to the neighbour is of primary importance, exists the way out of darkness, out of war and forward to light, forward to absolute peace, absolute contact with real life, the contact with Providence or the Godhead.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 3