The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
2.3  The unfinished human beings' cosmic parent principle
As mankind gradually developed from the primitive human being's condition to a more humane and cultural way of living, naturally they had to have world redeemers or cosmic leaders with correspondingly higher humane and cultural qualifications. And the great world religions of today also show that their founders have been able to give to human beings great, unshakable cosmic truths from the solution to the mystery of life, but certainly only as postulates or dogmas without intellectual support or confirmation. This is due not to the world redeemers, but to the circumstance that the human beings were not yet intellectual and humane enough to be able to understand the unravelling of these conclusions logically and scientifically. We see how little human beings have been able to understand the great teachings of Jesus Christ. He was therefore already at his time fully aware of this and knew that the next step in the world redemption's unfoldment of help for human beings would have to wait till they had gone through the sufferings of Doomsday and so got their consciousness, their intellectual and humane faculties more developed. The world redemption would then have to be – not postulates or dogmas – but on the other hand, pure cosmic science, thus a fundamentally intellectual substantiation of the cosmic conclusions in a continuous train of thought, which could be controlled through humane and intellectual thinking. It is this science he expresses as the "comforter, the holy spirit". This transfer of cosmic or spiritual science to mankind will be the world redemption's last great help. Through this science mankind reaches forward to its accomplishment in the Godhead's creation. Through this the terrestrial human being gradually becomes the "human being in the image of God, after His likeness". And God's creation of the human being is thus finished. It has itself become the Way, the Truth and the Life. Thus the principle of world redemption is a fundamental leading principle of love, which makes the Godhead Providence and Father of all living beings.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 2
The Principle of World Redemption