The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.3  The energies of gravity and feeling underlie all formation of power and so all display of life
The next basic energy, which is called the "energy of gravity", is identical with all that comes under the concept of "fire". It promotes all heat, whether this heat comes from the sun or from our own organism. It would not mean anything in particular if it were not closely connected with the next basic energy, the energy of "feeling". This energy underlies all that comes under the concept of "cold". These two basic energies – the energy of gravity and the energy of feeling – are thus, as we shall see, not only spiritual or mental phenomena. They are also in just as high a degree physical phenomena. Since the energy of gravity has a tendency to expand, while the energy of feeling has a tendency to contract, tension arises wherever these two basic energies are organically connected to form an organic whole. This tension is identical with all that comes under the concept of "power" or "force". And without power absolutely no movement could take place. And without movement no experience of life or no creation could take place. The whole of Nature's great creative process is thus activated by the power or tension that the combination of the energies of gravity and feeling, that is, the energies of fire and cold, cause in Nature. It is this combination of fire and cold or organic connection in our physical body which creates its normal temperature. And the tension that this relationship between fire and cold maintains in our organism is the same as our life force. Without these two great basic energies – feeling and gravity – all formation of matter and thus all physical display of life, would be a complete impossibility. All power in the world is thus triggered by the tension between the organic combination of these two energies. This also holds true in the case of the manifestations, movements and paths of the planets, the suns and the galactic systems in limitless space. All existing kinds of thoughts and our whole function of consciousness, our way of being, every action from the display of hatred to love are based on a relationship between these two basic energies. These basic energies thus form the life force, just as much in the creative processes in Nature and the universe as in the creative processes in our own organism and mentality.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan