The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.3  Why living beings are immortal
Since this "Something" is absolute "stillness", then it cannot in itself be "alive". That which makes this "Something" "alive", is its unshakable connection with the two principles: "X2" and "X3". Through the three "X's'" permanent or eternally existing state as an inseparable unit, this unit appears as a "living being". Since all existing living beings in the universe are identical with this living triunity consisting of the three "X's", it here becomes evident that they are all absolutely eternal and immortal. They can thus never at any time have begun and will never at any time come to an end. Nothing whatsoever which can separate the here mentioned three "X's" from one another exists in the universe, neither in the one great structure nor in the many small structures that express the living beings. Since manifestation and experience of life are determined solely by this trinity, there would be no possibility for life and thereby for experience and creation, if there had been a time when this trinity did not exist. Without an I, without an organism and without experience and creation, there would exist only an absolute "nothing", whereas the immense ocean of experience and creation of the universe today exists as radiating eternal life, the keynote of which is culminating intellectualised feeling, which is in turn the same as culminating love.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God