The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
Explanation of symbol no. 1
1.3  The light centre above, from where the rays emanate, symbolises the creating "Something" or the Godhead.
      The flaming cross symbolises the Godhead's totally perfect manifestation or creation.
      The radiating sea symbolises the Godhead's all-penetrating creative spirit, consciousness, will and omnipotence.
      In the radiating sea, or ocean, are seen marked fields, or waves, in more or less light tones. They constitute the cosmic world impulses, which realise and maintain the conditions of experience and planes of existence of the living beings.
      The many circles symbolise the suns and Earths of the universe and the conscious mental life of the living beings who abound there.
      The double circle symbolises the Earth and its mankind. We see that it is in touch with three world impulses, one below, which is vanishing away from its realm. Then we see one that still almost controls or fills the realm of the Earth. Above we see an impulse that begins to gain access to the Earth's realm. Of these impulses the first mentioned symbolises the consciousness or spiritual life of the primitive human beings, while the next symbolises the world impulse from which Buddhism, Christianity and Islam have emanated. In Livets Bog this impulse is described as the "old world impulse", while the third world impulse in the same book is expressed as the "new world impulse". This impulse will gradually render superfluous the religions and the current forms of belief, as it will elucidate the religious or real side of life as absolute science. It will unveil the solution to the mystery of life as a fact for terrestrial mankind and show that the "spirit of God upon the face of the waters" is an eternal Godhead's all-embracing blessing, in which we all live, move and have our being. (This symbol is further explained in Livets Bog, Vol. 1.)
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 1
The Spirit of God upon the Face of the Waters