The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.29  The human beings' delusion regarding the so-called "evil"
When every living being thus is the Godhead's centre of experience and manifestation, then its manifestations in the absolute sense of the word will be the manifestations or revelations of the Godhead. It is true that the manifestations or revelations of the Godhead are extremely different, but is there anything peculiar about that? Should not the Godhead be able to realise all existing forms of manifestations? If not, then He is neither almighty nor all-wise. For many people this analysis might be rather difficult to comprehend as they are subjected to a one-thousand-year-old tradition and habitual view: namely, that the Godhead is not the originator of the dark or so-called "evil" manifestations. Only the "Devil" can be this. But if the Godhead has been unable to prevent the "Devil" creating "evil", then He is not almighty or all-wise. Then the "Devil" becomes superior to the Godhead in certain regions. Therefore the time has come for mankind to leave this delusion or religious confusion. It must come to understand that the so-called "evil" is really as necessary as the so-called "good". If the dark manifestations did not exist, the manifestations of light would be a complete impossibility.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God