The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
11.28  The life structure of the Godhead
The Godhead could not possibly be such an all-outshining and almighty, all-wise and all-loving being if He were only a macrobeing and at the same time, like all the other living beings, also had to be a microbeing. The Godhead is thus the absolutely only existing living being who is indeed a macrobeing, but only in such a way that all existing living beings without exception are microbeings in Him, without His constituting a microbeing in a macrobeing. If He were, He could not possibly be the real and absolutely true Godhead. He would then be a mere macrobeing, who at the same time would be a microbeing in a greater macrobeing's organism, just as all other existing living beings are. He would represent only the "son principle" and not the "father principle", such as the Godhead absolutely must do in order to be just that which is expressed as the Godhead. The Godhead thus is a living being in which absolutely all existing beings are found. They promote His experience of life and manifestation or creation, thus constituting His organs for creation and experience of life. His experience of life is therefore solely a "father manifestation". Since He is not a microbeing in a macro-organism, but absolutely all beings exist within Him, then He thus in reality has no "outside". To Him everything is "inside". All living beings "live, and move and have their existence" within Him. Since His form of life is conditioned by the principle the "one" and the "many", then His function of consciousness can exist only as a mutual correspondence with His microbeings. Since the microbeings are His organs of manifestation and experience, then the correspondence of His consciousness is realised by communication from microbeing to microbeing, that is from one living being to another living being. How else could He talk with such a being? He cannot talk by means of "nothing". He must use His tools for manifestation and experience. And what can these tools or organs be but the living beings? The whole process, which takes place in the daily life of the sons of God's or the living beings, is thus the Godhead's functioning of consciousness and way of experiencing life at the same time as it is also that of the sons of God or the living beings.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 11
The Eternal World Picture
The Living Being 2
The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God