The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
14.20  The human beings' ignorance about their microlife's dependence on the quality of their mental spheres
Without the above-mentioned quality of mental life and microlife in the living being it would to a corresponding extent be at the mercy of illnesses or bodily sufferings. Is this not just that what we see? Are the hospitals ever empty? Are they not continuously being expanded and expanded so that almost every hospital constitutes a town within the towns? Human beings have still no special knowledge in this field where it is a matter of the quality of the microlife within their organism being dependent on the quality of their own mental sphere. The incarnation of microlife in their organism is determined absolutely only by the conditions maintained by their mental sphere or consciousness, which is the same as the "spirit that moves upon the face of the waters" in the universe, which their organism constitutes for its microbeings. Human beings do not yet realise that when they think in the thought-climate of the evil or the principle of killing, only microbeings of a correspondingly killing quality can incarnate in their organism, just as when they think in the thought-climate of the life-giving principle or love, microbeings or beings of a correspondingly life-giving nature incarnate in their organism. It is quite natural that the world redeemer Christ admonished human beings to love God above all things and their neighbour as themselves, and that this was the fulfilment of the law. For this was the condition for experiencing life in the form of the highest divinity, happiness and bliss; but we will return to this later in other special spiral symbols of this vitally important field in the solution to the mystery of life.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 14
The Cosmic Spiral Cycle 1