The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
6.2  The analysis of the faculty to create of the I can be only that it is "Something that is"
This "Something" or the I thus has a faculty to create, that is a faculty to experience and manifest, and thereby also the faculty to build up an organism or a body by virtue of which it can create in matter and thereby express itself to other I's, thus experiencing their expressions through their manifestations or created things. This faculty to create cannot have been created, because in such a case the I at a certain time would have existed without a faculty to create, and how could it then, in this condition, have been able to create this faculty to create? Furthermore, something cannot arise from nothing, so the faculty to create of the I must have existed eternally. It is therefore in itself, like the I, a nameless phenomenon that can only be expressed as "Something that is".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 6
The Living Being 1