The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
3.2  How should the ant be able to turn the hurricane?
Intolerance, thoughts and belligerent conduct can create only disharmony between their originator and the keynote of the universe, which, as previously mentioned, is God's consciousness or the perfecting power and the power promoting happiness and joy, which we express as absolute love. Since disharmony between the living being's consciousness and the maintaining divine power of consciousness of the universe creates destructive manifestations of hatred and war and consequential sorrows, worries, sufferings and depression, how then shall human beings be liberated from this as long as they, in their way of living, continuously promote intolerance, let themselves be led by hatred or vindictiveness and believe that the absolute righteousness can be only an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? How can Providence or the Godhead create perfection in a world where human beings thus, in their own way of living, sabotage the Godhead's primary unfoldment of consciousness, go against the keynote of the universe, go against the absolutely only power that can create peace, light, joy and well-being in their experience of life? How shall such a greater or lesser sabotage against the all-outshining creative process of the universe, this Godhead's gigantic will and unfoldment of power, avoid creating pain, avoid destroying in the worst case the being's physical organism and thus its present physical life? How can the ant turn the hurricane? Do we not realise that the ant gets the worst of it?
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 3