The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
2.2  The world redeemers and mankind's spiritual guidance
But it is not only in the protection of the offspring that this cosmic principle is present. It also exists as a fundamental leading principle in the development and spiritual guidance of mankind itself from primitiveness to intellectuality, from inhumaneness to humaneness. It is by virtue of this principle that the world religions have been created. And it is with this principle that the founders of religions or the so-called "world redeemers" have been inspired. These beings have had the same authority towards the people or groups of human beings for whom they became world redeemers, as parents towards their children. Just as the parents are the natural teachers for their children, in the same way the world redeemers are the teachers of the people for whom they have become the spiritual leaders. These world redeemers are beings who are more or less ahead of common mankind in spirit and culture. They have themselves in previous lives gone through the development and culture into which they were born to lead terrestrial human beings. This is better understood when we later come to the explanation about the analyses of reincarnation and evolution. By virtue of this divine cosmic parent principle or principle of world redemption the different nations have, through the ages, always had their world redeemers or the religions founded by them. These divine beings have thus been the pioneers of their followers' mental and moral improvement.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 2
The Principle of World Redemption