The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
15.2  Movement can be produced only by a living being
What is a manifestation? It is a combination of different kinds of movement. But what is movement? It is an object moving from one place to another or the transformation of an object from one state to another. The moving of objects or transformation of state is in turn the same as that which we call "that which is created". Creation and movement are thus actually the same. When a being is to create something it starts a movement. Without movement there can be no creation. But a creation and thereby a movement can absolutely not be its own originator. It can have only something living as its originator. This means that it can exist only as the effects of an I. It does not matter what movement we witness, no matter whether it be the movement of the suns or the stellar nebulae in the eternal space of the universe, or microcosmic movements in the space of the worlds of atoms and electrons, the movement can exist only as effects of living beings, just as our movements or manifestation of creation can exist only through us or our own self or I. Movement cannot possibly be caused by anything dead or lifeless. In the first instance it can be produced only by a living originator. Movement is therefore incontestably the most prominent characteristic of life.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 15
The Law of Movement