The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
14.2  How could an eternal life constitute only one single epoch of hunger and satiation?
The principle of hunger and satiation leads the beings, as previously mentioned, through the dark and light epochs of the spiral cycles. Without this principle and its satisfaction by means of the being's experience of the epochs of darkness and light, all life experience would be absolutely impossible. Since all life experience falls under creation, then it must consist of temporal details. The dark epoch as well as the light epoch thus constitute created phenomena and have thus a beginning and an end. If there existed only one epoch of dark experiences and one epoch of light experiences the experience of life could not possibly be eternal. This one epoch of dark experiences must have begun at one time or another just as it invariably brings about the epoch of light experiences. It thus becomes obvious that this epoch is a created phenomena, as is the epoch of dark experiences from which it has arisen. But how should such an epoch of dark experiences arise or be brought about without a previous one? If the epoch of dark experiences, which is consciousness, life and creation, has had a beginning, then before this beginning there would have existed only an absolute "nothing". But from a "nothing" there cannot possibly come a "something", just as a "something" cannot possibly become an absolute "nothing". So we see that the mentioned epoch of dark experiences cannot possibly have been brought about by a previous "nothing". Therefore, it can have been caused only by a previous "something". What then is this "something"? It can of course be only life, consciousness and creation, but in the form of the contrast to darkness, which means "light". Just as we today are able to see that the living beings here on Earth have evolved from primitiveness to intellectuality, from brutality to humaneness, which really means from "darkness" to "light", in the same way has our darkness or this epoch of dark experiences arisen out of a long since vanished epoch of light experiences. This cosmic movement from a condition of dark experiences to a condition of experiences of light, and from this again to dark experiences, is as previously mentioned, promoted by virtue of the principle of hunger and satiation. This is established as a fact through our own experience. Is not the experience of life simply hunger and satiation, not only the purely nutritional hunger and satiation, but also in all other realms of the mentality? Do not attraction and repulsion also manifest themselves here? And what are attraction and repulsion but the result of hunger and satiation respectively? But how could hunger and satiation be able to assert themselves if eternal life was not divided into epochs of hunger and satiation? Would not all living beings in existence have long since reached the culminating epoch of satiation, have reached the culmination of the dark epoch, having become the "human being in God's image, after His likeness" and thus having been satiated with this epoch too? And what then? If a new dark epoch did not exist in which they could have their hunger for darkness satisfied, and then in the same way a new epoch of light, in which they could get the new hunger for light – after the satiation with darkness – satisfied, and so on throughout all eternity, then all experience of life would stop completely and completely come to an end. And the eternal life that today radiates light and warmth through cosmic consciousness would be an absolute impossibility.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 14
The Cosmic Spiral Cycle 1