The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
1.2  This "Something" we have learned to call "God"
There thus exists a living, creating "Something" behind all the so-called "dead" phenomena, as well as behind all living ones. This becomes a fact because all the creative processes of Nature are logical, and logical creative processes cannot take place without a creator. It is the consciousness, the will and the power of this creator, or creating "Something", which creates and maintains the upkeep and eternal existence of the universe. This all-embracing creation is realised through special cosmic world impulses, which separately form planes of existence and conditions of experience for living beings. It is this mighty creator or this divine "Something" we have learned to call "God". And it is the consciousness of this "Something" that we express as the spirit of this Godhead. The Bible is thus unshakeably right when it expresses this spirit as "moving upon the face of the waters", which in reality is the same as this: that there is consciousness behind all movements, behind all transformations, and thus behind all existing creative processes.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 1
The Spirit of God upon the Face of the Waters