The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
14.19  Our thought function and the microlife in our organism
That consciousness, which is the same as spirit, occurs behind the micromaterial just as well as spirit occurs behind the vegetable and animal forms of life is natural, since movement can exist only as a result of spirit or consciousness. There is thus no material of any kind that is not an outcome of spirit. Without spirit all matter, from the hardest phenomena, such as platinum, diamond, granite or the like, to the finest vibrations of the living beings' most veil-like aura, cannot exist. There is thus spirit or consciousness just as well in the microcosmos and the macrocosmos as in the mesocosmos. We cannot here, in connection with only the seven spiral cycles in Symbol no. 14, explain the microcosmic and macrocosmic spirit or conscious mental life that is inaccessible to physical sensory perception. But later on, in special symbols showing these supermicrocosmic and supermacrocosmic spheres of conscious mental life or spirit that are inaccessible to physical sensory perception, we will explain this sphere more clearly. This conscious mental life, which can be observed only through cosmic conscious sensory perception, is very important for the mesocosmic beings, as it constitutes the conditions of life for these beings' soul and body, just as the mesocosmic beings in their turn are also an absolute life condition to the microcosmic and macrocosmic beings' conscious mental life or spirit and body. This microcosmic life varies in quality for better or worse. Since the mesocosmic beings with their special kinds of mental quality attract and provide space for the incarnation of microlife of a corresponding quality in their organisms or physical bodies, then one here understands how important it is to create one's thoughts so that they constitute as high, good and loving a quality as possible. Thereby the healthiest and most developed microlife and its material can incarnate in our organism. And an organism in which the highest microlife is incarnated and an I that has been able to create such a perfect mental sphere, thus become evident as the fulfilment of God's great plan for the creation of the living being, namely the "human being in God's image, after His likeness".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 14
The Cosmic Spiral Cycle 1