The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
14.17  The light and dark epoch is a vital necessity in every cosmic spiral cycle
But when everything is life, the question is what are the conditions of these beings' life, which occur in the microcosmos and the macrocosmos? We already know that these beings' passage through life, through the kingdoms of the spiral cycles, are exactly as the mesocosmic beings' life, which are the human beings, animals and plants. But it is of course not in the same variations of experience as those which we experience in our spiral. Every spiral has its particular variation and manifestation of life. But common to the display of life on all the spirals, both in the microcosmos and the macrocosmos, is the fact that they constitute the same combinations of the basic energies in each kingdom of the spiral. But in none of the spirals below or above the mesocosmos does life experience take place in the same variation as the one which we experience in the mesocosmos. But in every spiral it is absolutely necessary for the beings to experience the epoch of light and darkness. Without this experience the beings will not be able to appear to any extent as living beings, because there would not exist any form whatever of contrasts, and so the conditions necessary for the creation of consciousness would be impossible.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 14
The Cosmic Spiral Cycle 1