The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.17  Then we arrive at the "kingdom of bliss". This is the last kingdom in the spiral cycle and is symbolised on the bottom left of the symbol. Already in the previous plane of existence, the divine world, we have seen that the body of memory is strongly conspicuous and on its way towards its culmination here in the kingdom of bliss. This culmination of the body of memory means that it controls the being's day-consciousness in this sphere. We see that both the body of intelligence and that of intuition now have much less capacity, just as the body of feeling is quite latent. This means that here the being's capacity of perception in the outer world is very small, so feeble in fact that the being no longer has any awake day-consciousness in the outer world. It is only day-conscious within its memories. But to be so conscious in one's memories means quite a lot. On account of the culminating capacity of the body of memory the being can remember, or connect itself, with any experience of life that it has had in all the previous kingdoms of the spiral. It can remember the instinctive feelings it had when it was in the plant kingdom. It can remember its experiences when it was a being in the animal kingdom. It can remember its sanguinary experiences when it was an unfinished human being and had "devil-consciousness", that is when it was not a "human being in God's image". It can remember its experiences in the perfect human kingdom, and also the experiences it had in the kingdom of wisdom and the divine world. Together these memories constitute the being's total memories of the whole universe. Now its day-conscious field of experience constitutes solely that universe consisting of its memories. The outer material world is now a world with which it has no longer any day-conscious connection. Now it is unconscious in this world, just as it was formerly unconscious in its present gigantic world of memories when it was an unfinished primitive, materialistic being in the physical worlds, where the body of memory was more or less undeveloped or latent. It can, however, experience only its own recollections from the experienced spiral cycle.
      But all together these memories form a picture of the outer physical universe with all its living functions just as the being has experienced them. Since its last experience of this universe was through "cosmic consciousness", then its memory-picture of the universe will be identical with the absolute truth or reality and will not in any degree be illusory or illusion. Here the being's I lives solely in a universe made up of its memories. It has no conscious connection with the beings or things in the outer world, just as beings in the outer world have no conscious connection at all with this being which exists in its own inner universe. Its permanent condition of experience here consists only of experiences of memory of the past events or phenomena by which these memories were formed. It is thus the sovereign ruler over its own universe. At any time it can bring into view again all events from the smallest to the biggest in this universe. In this kingdom it can let suns, planets and galactic systems, their movements and paths in space, glide past its memory-sight, all according to the degree to which they at one time were experienced by the being in the outer world. In the same way it can in turn reproduce its own events of fate through the kingdoms of the spiral, seeing them in living movement. Through the faculty of recollection or memory it can experience itself again as a primitive child of Nature, as a warrior, robber or gangster, or as a compassionate Samaritan, as an advocate of peace, or whatever other phenomena it has been through its long periods of life-development during its evolution or its life over a long period in the spiral cycle. In the same way it can let the microscopic solar and galactic systems, and knowledge of them, file past in its world of memory.
      As the being is thus itself the absolute ruler of this universe, formed by its own memory, it thus experiences itself as a Godhead in this universe. In this way it decides one hundred per cent of all events and kinds of movements. Here everything obeys its wish and will. In a way it wanders forwards and backwards in time within its own universe. In this universe of memory there is thus not one single detail over which the being is not the master. For a time the living being is permitted to be entirely in God's likeness as Godhead. And its I is the I in all the movements and forms of life, which this universe contains as the memories of the being. Here it lives absolutely secluded from all other living beings, but it does not miss them, because in the kingdom of bliss it has no faculty to experience anything day-consciously in the outer world. Here, on the other hand, it relives all its memories about its friends and happy fellowship with them. These experiences of memory are of quite another strength or power than the experiences of memory on the physical plane. While on the latter plane they appear only as feeble inner pictures, here in the kingdom of bliss they appear with a strength and power that corresponds to the awake physical day-conscious experiences. Here the body of memory is at its culmination or greatest unfoldment and has its greatest capacity. It functions as the being's primary means of perception in the kingdom of bliss, where it day-consciously has no other way of experiencing. Its connection with the outer world is only subconscious. It is completely filled by its experiences of memory and cannot possibly experience day-consciously in any other way. But here it also has its whole universe, experienced through all the past kingdoms of the cycle, to relive as memory. All the being's experiences from its unfinished condition in the epoch of darkness where it had devil-consciousness until they ultimately became a joy and a blessing for the being because they caused sufferings, and sufferings give rise to humaneness or neighbourly love, and neighbourly love gives rise to the faculty of intuition, which in turn gives rise to cosmic consciousness in the being so that it became "God's image, after His likeness". Here it experiences all these memories in a divine shining glow that is felt as a strong feeling of joy or bliss. If we imagine that these memories from the darkness were experienced as phenomena in crude dark and lustreless material, they now after the being's perfection, appear in the purest shining and radiating golden hues. We have therefore in our main work "Livets Bog" called these memories in the kingdom of bliss "gold copies". All the details, beings and things in the kingdom of bliss are, as previously mentioned, memories. All these memories radiate and glitter with love and warmth. The being is thus here in the kingdom of bliss on the highest peaks of perception or life experience. Through the previous five kingdoms of the spiral cycle it has not only experienced the Godhead and the universe, but it has also been given this experience as a living copy formed in memory-pictures. The universe formed in this memory-picture is the Godhead's gift to His perfected son, and in which this son is sovereign and ruler. God thus gives His son a phase of life in which he is allowed to experience himself as a Godhead in a universe of memories in the same sort of way that the absolute Godhead experiences Himself in the absolute eternal universe. A higher, more beautiful, and happier final result cannot be imagined. How could anything be a greater, more beautiful and happier experience than being lifted up in the Godhead's own consciousness, and, in a living replica of this, seeing oneself as a Godhead in a universe in such a way that one is at one with the Godhead, that is as the son is one with his Father, so that one senses, sees and experiences the fact that "everything is very good"?
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan