The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.16  The next kingdom, the divine world, appears, as we see, on the top-left of the symbol. Here the figure for the integral body shows that the body of intuition is culminating. This body is the tool or organ for the experience and creation of ideas. No creation or manifestation can take place without it first having been an idea. All manifestations or creative ideas first appear or have their domicile here in this divine world. The ideas from the manifestations in the lower planes of existence come in here and emanate from here. It is from here they emanate in order to be prepared and fashioned in thought material in the kingdom of wisdom; they are then transmitted so as to be manifested or created on the physical plane. The plane of intuition is thus in reality a "plane of conclusions or answers". All the conclusions or answers of the universe appear here. Since all existing conclusions or answers exist here, this plane is in fact the domicile of the whole of the Godhead's consciousness. The Godhead's consciousness is thus all knowledge of the cosmos or the universe, and so it is the same as "cosmic consciousness". This cosmic consciousness thus exists as conclusions or answers. A sphere of these conclusions becomes manifest as material phenomena on the physical plane. In this way they can be sensed by the beings' common physical senses. Another part of these conclusions is non-material, which means that it is neither temporal nor spatial. It consequently constitutes eternal conclusions. These conclusions can be observed or experienced only with the body of intuition. It is these conclusions that constitute the solution to the mystery of life. So they cannot be experienced with the ordinary senses, which can react only to temporal and spatial phenomena or created things. They are experienced only with the body of intuition. But the elucidation of these conclusions or their detailed analyses can be effected only by a highly developed intelligence together with a feeling that has become outstanding neighbourly love. "Cosmic consciousness", or the state that Christ called being "one with the Father", which means being in totally perfect harmony with God's way of being, can be experienced and practised only through perfect neighbourly love, a correspondingly perfect intelligence, and an equally highly developed and permanent intuition. It is this sensory combination of the living being's complete set of senses that makes it a "human being in God's image, after His likeness".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan