The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.15  The next plane of existence is the "kingdom of wisdom". It is indicated at the top of the symbol. Here we see that the body of intelligence has reached its culmination, and, in association with the now advanced body of intuition and the corresponding humanised body of feeling, it dominates the being's capacity for manifestation and experience of life. The beings that belong to this plane of existence are the highest capacities in the universe as regards completely perfect creation. They constitute the highest masters of wisdom. It is these beings who decide and shape life's highest creative acts. They decide and shape the organisms for the future existences of plants, animals and human beings on future planets and worlds, just as it is from these beings that the great creative processes on our own planet, which we call "Nature", originate. Thus absolutely no processes of creation can exist without being rooted in the plane of existence of this kingdom of wisdom. Our own bodily organism is no exception. Everything that is created on the physical plane of existence is first produced here in thought material and becomes mental images. These mental images are perceived by physical engineers, technicians and chemists, and are then conveyed from these beings' consciousness to physical drawings and plans for teaching and experiments in technical and chemical laboratories for further display and manifestation or creation on the physical plane. This causes new experiences and facts, the ideas of which emerge on the planes of wisdom and intuition from where again thus to mature and become creation on the lower planes of existence: the kingdoms of mineral, plant, animal and human beings. In this symbol we see that the body of memory, which is latent or at its minimum in the human kingdom, has here passed its latent stage and is now at its first stage moving upward towards its future culmination in the spiral cycle. Since all creation here takes place in spiritual matter, the body of gravity is on its way to becoming latent, just as the body of instinct appears only at its minimum or latent stage. Since the being's knowledge is culminating he does not need to be led by instinct as do the plants and animals.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan