The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.14  In this symbol the completely perfect human kingdom is indicated as the one below the top plane of existence to the right. If we follow the punctured lines from the bodies of the basic energies in the integral organism in the animal kingdom to the bodies of the basic energies in the perfect human kingdom's integral organism in the symbol, we can see the transformation of the capacity of the bodies of the basic energies that has caused the transformation of the "animal" into a "human being". We see that the body of feeling is culminating. Since the capacity of the body of gravity has now become smaller, the being's physical body is no longer as sturdy and strong from a physical point of view. Through the epoch of darkness the being's energy of feeling has been penetrated by the faculty of humaneness, which is the same as the beginnings of neighbourly love. Now the beings no longer have to protect themselves by using power, brutality or war, which is a stage they long since have transcended. In this symbol we see that the body of intelligence has got a far greater capacity, just as the capacity of the body of intuition here promotes a permanent cosmic ability to experience life, which gives the being a corresponding "cosmic consciousness". This state of consciousness is the same as a permanently awake day-conscious experience of all existing non-temporal and non-spatial factors existing behind the temporal and spatial world. These eternal factors are the very solution to the mystery of life. It is the eternal structure of the entire universe as the Godhead's organism or body, just as the Godhead's I is identical with the "I's" in the living beings, the living beings and their organisms as the Godhead's tools for manifestation and experience of life, as well as the identity of light and darkness as a pleasant "good" thing and an unpleasant "good" thing respectively, and the existence of these two good things as an absolutely vital necessity for every kind of sensory perception or experience of life, manifestation or creation.
      Only through the faculty of intuition can these realities be realised as an absolute science or facts. This science cannot, as materialistic science can, be established as fact through physical sensory perception or research. Only by means of intelligence and a certain degree of humane development can it become a theoretical science for he who cannot yet experience through his faculty of intuition. In this kingdom the terrestrial human beings and their states will be united as one people and one state.
      Money as a means of payment will be replaced by the human working capacity. Every terrestrial human being will be a co-owner of all the products of the Earth. All materials will be free of charge. Only one's working capacity will be of value. All human beings in this world state will be wealthy. Here there will be no poverty or physical, material worries. In this kingdom human beings will evolve beyond reincarnation. The living being will attain to no longer being born to a woman, but on the contrary to being able to appear on the physical plane through materialisation, and likewise fading out of sight and returning to the spiritual plane by means of dematerialisation, and ultimately no longer showing himself on the material, physical plane in this spiral cycle. As is shown in this symbol the body of memory is at its minimum. However, the being has enough memory for daily use. The being's body of memory has also diminished very much because of its very elevated and expanded awake day-consciousness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan