The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.12  The next plane of existence on the right of this symbol symbolises the "animal kingdom" and an integral organism in this kingdom. By following the punctured lines from the integral organism in the plant kingdom to the animal kingdom, we can see how the capacities of the bodies of the basic energies are altered. We here see how the capacity of the body of instinct has become smaller, while the body of the energy of gravity has progressed forward to its culmination and so become the ruling one in the integral organisms of the animal kingdom. The body of the energy of feeling has also developed to a greater capacity. Since the organic connection between these two bodies trigger the being's life force, then this life force to a corresponding degree has become greater here in the integral organism of the animal. Also the being's body of the energy of intelligence has passed its latent stage, and its capacity is therefore now on the increase. The body of the energy of intuition, on the other hand, is here latent and has therefore its smallest capacity or smallest unfoldment. The capacity of the body of the energy of memory has also become smaller and is now at its last stage before latency. With this change of the capacities of the bodies of the basic energies the being is no longer a plant being. It has become an animal being. It has become an "animal". Through the increased capacity of the body of the energy of gravity and the body of the energy of feeling, its physical senses have developed sight, hearing, smell, taste and feeling. Thus its physical body is carried by the bodies of the energies of gravity and feeling and still to a prominent extent by the body of the energy of instinct. Through its developed physical body the being begins to acquire awake day-consciousness on the physical plane. Now it is not only in the form of an "inkling", but also in the form of full consciousness about facts that the being experiences the physical material existence. With these developed physical perceptive faculties – with the incipient function of feeling and intelligence plus a still prominent function of instinct – the being can now more or less consciously, and with some degree of self-will, take part in its maintenance of life and creation. Here it is especially the survival of the species, nourishment and propagation that are primary in the animal's way of living. It is mainly the capacity of the energy of instinct, but to some extent also the capacity of the energy of intuition, that promotes the animal's and the unfinished human being's sexual life, although the latter manifests itself here with only its minimum capacity.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan