The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
16.10  Why injustice cannot exist
Everywhere and in every situation where something that appears to be an "injustice" takes place, it is because the situation concerned expresses only a local picture. In this local picture the real cause of the situation that appears to be an "injustice" cannot be seen and therefore the being in question feels that he suffers an "injustice", for he cannot see that he himself is the true cause of this "injustice". If he had not been, then this situation could never have arisen. But since this cause may have arisen in a previous life, it is not surprising that the person concerned may consider the situation to be an injustice that is being inflicted on him. This ignorance is the root of all so-called "evil", for the unfinished human being does not know about reincarnation or this law of movement, which is the same as the law of fate. It is therefore not surprising that the world appears to be full of injustice resulting in many misunderstandings, such as wars, hatred and vengeance. We see here how necessary were the words of Christ about the many times one should forgive one's neighbour, for this act contributes greatly towards the creation of a real Christian or a truly humane world culture that is at one with God. This shows how necessary the spiritual science that Christ heralded is, a spiritual science that, in the form of the "comforter, the holy spirit", he said would come and complete His divine wisdom for human beings.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 16
The Eternal Body