The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1
13.10  The ring-shaped coloured area symbolises the same as Symbol no. 12, but here in no. 13 we see the area of the basic energy, which the coloured area in this symbol symbolises, indicated as a cycle, which, as we shall see in Symbol no. 14, continues in the form of new cycles. In such a spiral cycle's six planes of existence the basic energies constitute material for all life experience, manifestation and creation, all according to the special combination of the capacity of unfoldment with which they appear in each of the planes of existence. Since this combination of the basic energies is different on each of the six planes of existence, then both the material forms, the forms of life, the life experiences, manifestation and creation must also be correspondingly different on each plane of existence. In order to be able to use the materials of the basic energies as material for life experience and creation, both at physical and spiritual levels, then the living beings must be able to construct for themselves local organs or tools necessary for their life experience and creation, by virtue of which they can be able to promote the mentioned life experience and creation and the resulting way of being. These created organs are in turn connected with the beings' superconsciousness and I by an eternal cosmic organ for each basic energy. Through these organs the being's day-conscious experiences enter into the structure of the superconsciousness and are here transformed into memories, knowledge and talent kernels. Through the same organs of the basic energies, and their local organs, in connection with the awake day-consciousness promoted by these organs, the mentioned phenomena work to benefit the being in the creation of its renewal of consciousness, will and way of being. Without this principle all states of consciousness, experience of life and creation would be a complete impossibility.
      The integral organisms with the bodies of the basic energies are, as previously mentioned, symbolised in the diamond-shaped figures, each consisting of six different coloured areas, appearing in the great white area around the violet area in the symbol. Each of these integral organisms thus contains, as shown in the symbol, an organ or body for each basic energy. In the symbol we see that these bodies of the basic energies are not of the same size. This symbolises that they do not all have the same capacity within the same plane of existence. Because of its greater or smaller capacity, each basic energy body cooperates with the unfoldment of the rest of the bodies of the basic energies within the integral organism to which they belong. The different unfoldment of capacity of these six bodies of the basic energies is combined together in a total unfoldment, and this total unfoldment constitutes, in connection with the superconsciousness of the "I", the living being's experience of life and manifestation. Since the capacity of the bodies of the basic energies, as expressed in the symbol, is different on each plane of existence, then the state of life experience and manifestation of the I also must be correspondingly different on each plane of existence.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 13
The Eternal World Plan