Livets Bog, vol. 4
Through the transformation of their sexual poles, "Adam" and "Eve" are released from the biblical "curse of sin". They have become beings of the same sex
1560. Through evolution, the masculine pole in the "woman" will grow so as to equal her feminine pole. She will then no longer be a "woman", just as she will not be a "man" either. She will then be an entirely new being. The old "curse of sin" that she "bring forth her children in sorrow" cannot affect the new being since it, as already mentioned, is not a "woman". And since the person in question is not a "man" either, the curse "in the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat thy bread" cannot affect this being either. Just as the transformed woman is thus released from the biblical "curse of sin", so too is the transformed man naturally released from this "curse". Since his feminine pole has grown to equal his masculine pole, he is no longer a "man" or a "woman" either. He has also become an entirely new being. But these two new beings, the transformed "man" and the transformed "woman", through the evolution and levelling out of their sexual poles, have thus become beings of the same kind. The previously so strongly contrasted beings, the "male" and the "female", are now equalised so as to no longer constitute two sexes. There is therefore no longer any "opposite sex" for these beings. They all belong to the same sex. The object of their love can thereby only be their "own new sex".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 12
Life and Death